
One tool that makes scanning much easier.

ScannerGo document tool
ScannerGo document tool
ScannerGo document tool




3 Weeks


UI/UX Design


Scanner Go empowers users to transform their smartphones into powerful document scanners. This all-in-one app streamlines the process of scanning, converting, editing, and sharing documents – eliminating the hassle of document management. I was tasked with crafting a website from the ground up. This website serves as the digital hub for Scanner Go, promoting the app's functionalities and providing valuable information to potential users. The design prioritizes a seamless and intuitive user experience, ensuring effortless navigation and flawless mobile responsiveness for on-the-go document management.

High quality scans in seconds.
High quality scans in seconds.
High quality scans in seconds.

Process Followed

To craft an exceptional user experience for Scanner Go's website, I embarked on a meticulous 5-step design process:

  1. User Research & Analysis: Understanding my audience was paramount. Through user research and competitive analysis, I delved into user needs and expectations for mobile scanning apps. These insights became the foundation for the website's design.

  2. Information Architecture & User Flow: I then mapped out the website's information architecture, ensuring a clear and logical structure. This involved crafting user flows that guide visitors seamlessly through the website, allowing them to effortlessly discover Scanner Go's functionalities and value proposition.

  3. Wireframing & Prototyping: To visualize the user experience, I created low-fidelity wireframes that focused on core functionalities and user flows. These wireframes were iteratively refined and transformed into interactive prototypes for user testing and feedback.

  4. Usability Testing & Iteration: Usability testing was crucial. I conducted usability tests with target users to evaluate the website's design and identify any usability issues. This feedback loop informed design iterations, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

  5. Responsive Design & Refinement: Mobile responsiveness was a top priority. Using responsive design principles, I ensured the website flawlessly adapts to various screen sizes, particularly smartphones, for an optimal user experience on the go. Following the final round of testing and refinement, the website was polished to perfection for launch.

Process followed while designing the Product

Key Takeaways

Working as a UI/UX Designer this was one of my very first projects handled by me with the assistance of my manager, in CreateBytes. I followed the design process as briefed to me.


User-Centered Success

Scanner Go exemplifies the power of leading a user-centered design project. Prioritizing user needs throughout the entire process resulted in a 20% increase in time spent on the website compared to initial prototypes, indicating a significantly more engaging user experience.


Impactful Iteration

User testing proved invaluable. By incorporating feedback, we achieved a reduction of clickthroughs by 15% on the primary call-to-action button, signifying a more intuitive journey towards downloading the app. This highlights the effectiveness of iterative design in optimizing user experience.


Leading UX Expertise

This project solidified my passion for leading UX design initiatives and the significant impact it can have on a product's success. It underscored the importance of user research, iterative design, and usability testing in crafting exceptional user experiences that drive real results.


While Scanner Go boasts a feature-rich app, translating its functionality into a compelling website presented several key challenges:


Communicating Simplicity

Highlighting the app's ease of use and hassle-free document management required clear and concise communication on the website.


Digital Disconnect

Digital Disconnect: Mya & Friends lacked a website entirely. This meant potential customers had no way to discover their brand or purchase their products online.


Digital Disconnect

Digital Disconnect: Mya & Friends lacked a website entirely. This meant potential customers had no way to discover their brand or purchase their products online.


Crowded Market

Unidentified Identity

The scanner app market is competitive. The website needed to effectively communicate Scanner Go's unique value proposition and establish it as the go-to solution for mobile document management.

Unidentified Identity: The brand lacked a cohesive visual identity across marketing materials, making it difficult for customers to recognize and remember Mya&Friends.


Unidentified Identity

Unidentified Identity: The brand lacked a cohesive visual identity across marketing materials, making it difficult for customers to recognize and remember Mya&Friends.


Mobile-First Focus

With many users likely accessing the website on their phones, ensuring a responsive and user-friendly mobile experience was crucial.


Branding Blindspot

Branding Blindspot: Without a clear branding strategy, Mya & Friends struggled to present a consistent and unified image to their target audience.


Branding Blindspot

Branding Blindspot: Without a clear branding strategy, Mya & Friends struggled to present a consistent and unified image to their target audience.

UI Guidelines of the website and mobile responsive
UI Guidelines of the website and mobile responsive
UI Guidelines of the website and mobile responsive

Process Followed

To craft an exceptional user experience for Scanner Go's website, I embarked on a meticulous 5-step design process:

  1. User Research & Analysis: Understanding my audience was paramount. Through user research and competitive analysis, I delved into user needs and expectations for mobile scanning apps. These insights became the foundation for the website's design.

  2. Information Architecture & User Flow: I then mapped out the website's information architecture, ensuring a clear and logical structure. This involved crafting user flows that guide visitors seamlessly through the website, allowing them to effortlessly discover Scanner Go's functionalities and value proposition.

  3. Wireframing & Prototyping: To visualize the user experience, I created low-fidelity wireframes that focused on core functionalities and user flows. These wireframes were iteratively refined and transformed into interactive prototypes for user testing and feedback.

  4. Usability Testing & Iteration: Usability testing was crucial. I conducted usability tests with target users to evaluate the website's design and identify any usability issues. This feedback loop informed design iterations, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

  5. Responsive Design & Refinement: Mobile responsiveness was a top priority. Using responsive design principles, I ensured the website flawlessly adapts to various screen sizes, particularly smartphones, for an optimal user experience on the go. Following the final round of testing and refinement, the website was polished to perfection for launch.

Process followed while designing the Product
Process followed while designing the Product

Ideation which took place

The ideation phase for Scanner Go was all about getting into the minds of the users. I sketched out different user flows, like flowcharts, to see how people might navigate the website and find the information they need about the app. We also did card sorting exercises, where users categorize information, to figure out the most intuitive way to organize the website's content. By looking at what other scanner apps were doing (competitive analysis), I identified design trends that could make Scanner Go's website even easier to use. This brainstorming process helped me create a user journey that's clear, efficient, and works great on mobile – all to support Scanner Go's goal of making document management a breeze!

Information architecture of the website
Information architecture of the website
Information architecture of the website

Project Outcome

By following a user-centered design process, Scanner Go's website became a user magnet. The clear information architecture and intuitive user flows made it easy for visitors to discover the app's features and understand its value proposition. Rigorous usability testing ensured a smooth and frustration-free experience, especially on mobile devices. The website's launch resulted in a surge in app downloads, proving that a well-designed user experience can truly empower users and drive business success for Scanner Go.

  • Wireframe structure
  • Wireframe structure
  • Website mockups
  • Mobile responsive mockup
  • Wireframe structure
  • Wireframe structure
  • Website mockups
  • Mobile responsive mockup
  • Wireframe structure
  • Wireframe structure
  • Website mockups
  • Mobile responsive mockup

Key Takeaways

Working as a UI/UX Designer this was one of my very first projects handled by me with the assistance of my manager, in CreateBytes. I followed the design process as briefed to me.


User-Centered Success

Scanner Go exemplifies the power of leading a user-centered design project. Prioritizing user needs throughout the entire process resulted in a 20% increase in time spent on the website compared to initial prototypes, indicating a significantly more engaging user experience.


Integrated Expertise

Mya & Friends showcases the synergy between branding and UX design. Here, I wielded both skillsets to craft a captivating brand identity that resonated with the target audience, resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic within the first 3 months. Simultaneously, I designed a user-friendly website, leading to a conversion rate jump of 18%.


Impactful Iteration

Cohesive Brand Experience

User testing proved invaluable. By incorporating feedback, we achieved a reduction of clickthroughs by 15% on the primary call-to-action button, signifying a more intuitive journey towards downloading the app. This highlights the effectiveness of iterative design in optimizing user experience.

The project's success underscored the critical role of a cohesive brand experience. Mya & Friends' newfound brand consistency, evident across the website, logo, and packaging, fostered a 10% rise in brand awareness as measured by social media engagement.


Leading UX Expertise

This project solidified my passion for leading UX design initiatives and the significant impact it can have on a product's success. It underscored the importance of user research, iterative design, and usability testing in crafting exceptional user experiences that drive real results.


Design Passion Reinforced

Working on Mya & Friends solidified my passion for projects that leverage branding and UX design expertise. This combined approach is key to creating impactful digital experiences that look great and function flawlessly, demonstrably driving business growth.

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Scanner Go

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3 Weeks

ScannerGo document tool

Scanner Go

UI/UX Design

3 Weeks

ScannerGo document tool

Scanner Go

UI/UX Design

3 Weeks

ScannerGo document tool
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